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Aberdeen Deepwater Drilling Technology Training for CNOOC

 Aberdeen deepwater drilling technology training for CNOOC was held in Aberdeen, UK from November 30, 2012 to February 23, 2013. The participants are 8 engineers from CNOOC Oilfield Technology Center, Engineering Technician, deepwater project team, the department of International Management and Iraq project group. Fred, the director of the CPD, and the professors of the petroleum engineering department in University of Aberdeen attended the opening ceremony.

The training mainly involved in deepwater drilling, including deepwater drilling completion and well testing, deepwater drilling well control, high temperature and high pressure drilling technology, unconventional gas, deepwater cementing and deepwater drilling risk management, etc. This training content and teacher both optimized and adjusted on the base of the previous training, which added drilling supervision, unconventional gas, international marine development laws and deepwater drilling (workover) rigs and equipment. This kind of optimization makes the whole curriculum more systematic and closer to the actual needs of the students. The instructors have great learning and teach in a humorous way, which achieve good classroom interaction; the participants communicated with the experts to learn advanced technology through the regular classroom teaching, and several company visits. In the student's living arrangements, Petromentor showed more professional and ensured the smoothly progress of the trainees’ exotic studying. The participants all spoke highly of this training and agreed that benefits a lot to their future work.

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