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PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company HAZOP Training completed successful

 Petromentor have organized a two days of risk and operability analysis training for PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company.


The main content of the training was the knowledge and skills,tools use, effective organization of HAZOP, risk management of loss prevention of professional skills and other projects of risk and operability analysis which focused on practical skills. Teachers have combined their rich experiences in field with HAZOP theory, so that students can easily find the blind spotty they had been ignored. Theoretical training also including the case study, such as the process safety accident case study, HAZOP analysis case and so on.


In the stage of case discussion, teachers led students a panel discussion and case analysis and learned the practical operation experiences of frontline staff. At the final stage of training, the course added the company's own business characteristics analysis in HOZOP.


Through the feedback of students after training, we found the teachers of Petromentor got very high praise. Otherwise, Compact and efficient courses not only improve the theory, but also provide a reference for future work.

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