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Petromentor made donation for Hongqi elementary school

 Petromentor International Education (Beijing)Co. Ltd has donated for Hongqi elementary school at Sep 23rd 2015. Manager of admin &HR department Ms. Piao attended the donation ceremony.


Hongqi elementary school located Heiqiao town Chaoyang district, all the students come from peasant-worker families. Ms. Piao and Jing Zhang, who also from admin department, were guided to class 1, grade 1 by Principal Li. Ms. Piao did a presentation at the beginning of the ceremony, she mentioned that CEO Xintao Wu happened to know that the students in Hongqi elementary school have no summer uniform, then he arranged for admin department to purchase summer uniform for students. Beijing Women and Children Development Foundation also showed up, award Petromentor and expressed admiration.

The day happened to be mid autumn day, a special class about mid autumn day was presented by Petromentor for the students, Jing was telling tales about mid-autumn day. After the class, we have held a interesting quiz for students and then supplied moon cake for them.


Ceremony ended soon though, Petromentor will make persistent efforts and keep contributing to public benefit and society.

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