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Petromentor donated Yunnan Duoyishu Mingde Primary School

 The social responsibility is an important part of the enterprise values, Petromentor International Education(Beijing) Co.Ltd not only providing professional training and consulting service, but also contribute to the society by its practical action, fulfilling corporate social responsibility and convey warmth to society.


In November 2014, staff of Petromentor have hold a donation ceremony where they donated winter uniforms to Yunna Duoyishu Mingde Primary School to ensure every child in the school can complete their studies warmly when winter comes .

In early March 2015, spring is coming and it’s time to the children backing to school. Petromentor has donated xinhua dictionary, bags and all kinds of stationary to the students of Yunna Duoyishu Mingde Primary School to start a new term in the new scene.Looking at the children pure smiling face when they got new school bags and stationary, Petromentor was glad for what they have done.

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