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New safety legislation knowledge contest committee—1st trends in safety seminar was conven

 New safety legislation knowledge contest—1st trends in safety seminar,hold by China Academy of Safety Science and Technology, magazine “Labor Protection” and Petromentor, was convened in Beijing Xijiao Hotel conference center Nov 12th 2015.


Inspector Zhanke Yang from State Administration of Work Safety expressed that with accurate direction, concentration on one purpose, hard working, risks awareness and good following of legislation, it will not take long for production be increasingly safe or even absolute safe.


With fast economy growth, there are still problems in the field of safe production in China that are waiting to be followed and solved. New safety legislation has been released for one year, safety seminar is launched right after new safety legislation knowledge contest, and the host invited the leadership of safety regulatory department and research department and experts all over the world to discuss the trends of safety including legislation, risk recognition and control and internet plus. More than 200 representatives attended this seminar.


Mr. Hui Ding, the president of Beijing institute of science and technology, introduced how to combine practice and theory about risk recognition and control in details in his presentation. He pointed out that highly developed society is actually full of risk and proposed 4T strategy that risk evaluation is hazard pre-evaluation plus safety management assessment. Safety inspectors should change their philosophy and force on safety control and management based on requirements according to new policy and the type of business.


National safety specialist Sanming Wang had make his presentation regarding to the hot topics "Internet +", applications and trends in the field of safety as the theme, saying that " Internet + " should be based on three "enhanced", three "strengthen" three "stressing" for the method of the implementation, inspect safety wisely and be a partof smart city.


During the meeting, Qianli Zhao, general manager of Safety and Environmental Protection in Jinchuan Group took "Jinchuan culture"(known in safety industry), as an example, pointed out that safety culture is the highest level of safety management, and proposed that "thinking + behavior mode = culture landing" as a safety control formula, emphasizing the practical work is important to strengthen the safety, to "make management a culture, with cultural control of safety."


At present, the technology and ideas are meeting the global requirements; safety is also increasingly close to international standards. In the seminar, registered occupational safety division from Canada, Petromentor security chief expert Philip introduced the international advanced safety management philosophy, emphasizing the importance of the implementation of a safety culture and safety management and control in real case, noting that the establishment of safety management system is the responsibility of the company and managers in charge of safety, but also the only way for China to improve enterprise safety management capabilities.


After that, safety experts Yongqi Qin also proposed that "bad training is the biggest safety risk," based on the theory of Maslow theory and the Swiss cheese model. He pointed out that training is an effective way to complement the lack of government resources, however, although there are only a few qualified training institutions, the training they have provide are both professional. He also appreciated the efforts Petromentor had made in exploration and research of safety training.


General manager of Petromentor Safety Only, Baozong Wang, said after the meeting, "Exploration of the current production areas of our safety policy and legislation, regulatory, changes in the field of science, technology innovation and how to improve safety production in China is what we definitely should do for both all these companies and our country in all. Petromentor Safety Only will spare no effort to promote safety research, which is also our social responsibility as a company.

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