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Petromentor obtained six computer software copyright

 Recently, six software developed by Petromentor International Education (Beijing) Co., Ltd have meet the requirements of national administration of China and obtained “computer software copyright registration”. Petromentor International Education and Petromentor Information Service have 12 software copyright so far.


Petromentor safety contractor management system V1.0


Petromentor information management system V1.0


Petromentor teaching broadcast platform V1.0


Petromentor incidents management system V1.0


Petromentor competency management V1.0


With the six software copyright successfully applied, Petromentor now has technological achievements with intellectual property. It demostrated that R&D and IT team have strong innovation capability, it not only encouraged innovation of operational mechanism of information management, but a prove of R&D capability of Petromentor as well. Petromentor will also seek more sophisticated technological innovation and progress, commitment to training, to promote and develop safety and information technology.

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